

Company Type

Locksmith and Security Company


Simpro to Infusionsoft by SyncEzy

The Challenge

Independent Locksmiths & Security (ILS), one of Sydney’s largest locksmith and security companies with over 60 staff, faced challenges in managing their job and project data across two separate systems. They used Simpro for job management and Infusionsoft for customer relationship management (CRM). The lack of integration between these systems resulted in inefficiencies and missed opportunities for streamlined communication with customers.

The main challenges were:

  • Managing job and project data across two separate systems.
  • Lack of integration leading to inefficiencies in communication and follow-up processes.
  • Missed opportunities for enhancing customer engagement through synchronized campaigns.


ILS aimed to improve their operational efficiency and customer communication by integrating their job management and CRM systems. The key objectives were:

  • To integrate simPRO and Infusionsoft for seamless data synchronization.
  • To enhance customer communication and follow-up processes.
  • To develop new ways to engage with customers and improve service delivery.


ILS discovered SyncEzy through a recommendation from simPRO staff. The SyncEzy integration was chosen to connect simPRO and Infusionsoft, enabling synchronized data flow and streamlined operations.


The implementation process involved:

  • Needs Analysis: Understanding the specific requirements of ILS for integrating job management and CRM systems.
  • Customization: Tailoring the integration to ensure seamless synchronization of data between simPRO and Infusionsoft.
  • Deployment: Implementing the integration across the company’s systems.
  • Training: Providing training to ensure the team could effectively leverage the integrated system.


Since implementing the SyncEzy integration, Independent Locksmiths & Security has experienced several significant benefits:

  • Enhanced Campaigns: The integration enabled the launch of Quote and Job Follow-up campaigns, complementing their existing sales processes and improving customer engagement.
  • Operational Efficiency: Seamless data synchronization between simPRO and Infusionsoft reduced manual data entry and improved workflow efficiency.
  • Customer Communication: The integration opened up new opportunities for developing varied communication strategies with customers, leading to better customer satisfaction.

Adrienne McGovern, the Marketing Manager for ILS, stated: “The sync has opened up a world of opportunities and now, as a business, we can start to develop different ways that we can communicate with our customers.”


The integration of Simpro with Infusionsoft through SyncEzy has transformed Independent Locksmiths & Security’s operations. By automating data synchronization and enhancing customer communication, the company has significantly improved its efficiency and service delivery. The successful implementation of Quote and Job Follow-up campaigns has further strengthened customer relationships, demonstrating the substantial benefits of the integration. For businesses seeking similar results, SyncEzy offers a powerful solution to streamline operations and enhance customer engagement.

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